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Citizen Rural: Digital Data for Participatory Democracy in Remote Places

UCD Team: The project is led by Dr Karen Keaveney, UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science. Co-PI is Assoc. Prof. Ainhoa Gonzalez Del Campo, UCD School of Geography. The Post-Doctoral Researcher is Dr Adwoa Serwaa Ofori, based in the UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science. This two-year project investigates how rural populations can …

Smartdeer Ireland heading

SmartDeer Ireland

UCD Principal Investigator: Dr Simone Ciuti, School of Biology and Environmental Science The SMARTDEER project – funded by DAFM and UCD – is a research program led by UCD researchers aimed at producing up-to-date distribution maps of deer species in Ireland. This is being achieved by combining historical deer data collected across the nation with new digital …

Dublin Tree Map

UCD Team: Dr Gerald Mills and Dr Tine Ningal, School of Geography The Dublin Tree Map is part of the Mapping Green Dublin project. Website: https://mappinggreendublin.com/tree-mapping/tree-data/

The Coastal City Living Lab (CCLLs)

UCD: Dr Chiara Cocco, UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy. The Coastal City Living Lab (CCLLs) is part of the SCORE project and includes a network of 10 coastal city ‘living labs’ that will involve citizens in providing prototype coastal city early-warning systems. The Dublin CCLL is led by UCD. Website: https://score-eu-project.eu/coastal-city-living-labs/

PRISM (Preservation by Record of Ireland’s Shell Middens)

UCD Team: Dr Rory Connolly and Martin Moucheron PRISM (Preservation by Record of Ireland’s Shell Middens) is a citizen science participatory mapping scheme initiated by researchers from University College Dublin and University College Cork. Coastal shell middens are rapidly being lost due to both natural — sea-level rise, coastal erosion, increased storm surges, and isostatic shift — …


UCD staff: Dr Simone Ciuti, School of Biology and Environmental Science MammalWeb-Ireland’s goal is to connect the different mammal stakeholders across the whole island of Ireland, helping to catalogue Irish mammalian biodiversity, and to understand what species are around us, where they occur, and what aspects of the environment impact on their occurrence and activity. Mammalnet-Ireland is a …

Coastal Communities Adapting Together (CCAT)

The CCAT pilot project aimed to support coastal communities to understand climate change and how to adapt. UCD Team: Dr Karen Foley, Dr Brenda McNally, Dr Chiara Cocco, Dr Philip Crowe and Dr Bruno De Andrade The CCAT pilot project was part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Programme and ran …